August 2021 – Frogmore Infant School

Frogmore Infant school PTA is a registered charity supporting Frogmore Infant school, a two form entry infant school in Blackwater, Camberley.  Our school motto is ‘Happy learners, great achievers……believe it can be done.’

We work hard to provide opportunities, equipment and resources for the children, which the schools budget could not otherwise afford.  The majority of fundraising effort over the last couple of years has been concentrated towards improving the outdoor learning environment at the school which is a key part of learning for young children.  With recent installations including an all-weather canopy to make safe access to an area of the school all year round and outdoor musical instruments to promote inclusive play amongst the pupils that is both fun and accessible to both physically able and disabled children.  The school is a popular choice in the local area for children with physical disabilities due to good wheelchair access and other on-site facilities to assist with those requiring regular physiotherapy during school time.

We’d love to meet you if you’re interested to learn more about the school and what the PTA does, click on this link for more information!